Malakai Strinden | @del_mal_doodles

Hi, I'm Mal and I'd love to draw for you!Current commission slots: 2/4



Above examples are scenes.
Pricing begins at the above listed price, but increases with complexity of scene, background, and number of characters. Pieces can be lined or lineless.



Simple decorative background as seen above is included in chibi price.
Chibis will only be offered lined as of currently.

Character References

Full Style$60

A reference can have as little as only the above base or may add on up to four of the options listed below. The base price includes a main reference, a basic character intro (name plus up to four attributes such as height, sexuality, gender, pronouns, etc), a color palette, and a solid color background. References will only be offered lined as of currently.

Add OnPrice
+ Fullbody (Same Pose)$45
+ Fullbody (New Pose)$55
+ Chibi (Same Pose)$20
+ Chibi (New Pose)$30
+ Headshot$20
+ Item Reference$15+
+ Mini Front and Back$25
+ Size Comparison$10

Sketch Pages

A sketch page can contain any combination of the below options. The maximum amount of options that can be used on one page is five, though you can commission more that one page if you'd like more sketches.

Add OnPrice (1)Price (+)
Colored Fullbody$30$40+
Uncolored Fullbody$25$35+
Colored Bust$15 
Uncolored Bust$10 
Colored Chibi$20$30+
Uncolored Chibi$10$20+

The top example includes two colored fullbodies, two uncolored chibis, and two (two character) minis. The bottom example includes one colored fullbody* and two (one character and two character) minis.

*Anything below the shoulders will be counted as a fullbody for purposes of the sketch page.

VTT Tokens | Symmetrical PFPs


The second and third examples do not use symmetry and will be replaced soon, but the first example is an accurate token. They will all include a forward facing character from the shoulders up and a circular "halo" background with theming of the commissioner's choice.

Chibi PFPs

StylePrice (1st)Price (2nd+)

The first row of examples are in the lined style and the second row of examples are in the lineless style. The lined style will include a lined chibi bust with one or two areas of simple gradient shading and a custom simple scene background reused between your purchased PFPs. The lineless style will include a simple lineless chibi bust with no shading, a flat color background, and an optional symbol in the top right corner held in a shape of your choice.

Sales and Discount Commissions

Current SalesPrice
Check again later!N/A

YCH | Your Character Here

YCH NamePrice+ Version
Pride YCH 2024$10+$2

Terms of Service

★ My art is for personal use only unless otherwise negotiated. Do not resell or use my work for your profit. Additionally, my art may not under any circumstances be used for Blockchain/NFT/AI purposes. If you are interested in using my work commercially, we must further discuss royalties and other logistics.★ I take payment before I begin working via PayPal or Venmo. If necessary, I am willing to negotiate a payment plan for my work, but at least 50% of the cost needs to be paid up front before I begin the sketch.★ If a commission or commissioner makes me feel uncomfortable, I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a commission. I will reimburse you 50% of the original cost of the work if I've begun working on a commission that is later cancelled. If the commission hasn't been started, I will reimburse you 100% of the cost.★ If I am given a written reference instead of a drawn reference, there will be an additional charge for design work. This charge will vary based on complexity, but will be discussed pre-payment. This additional fee will be a minimum of $15 for tokens/busts and a minimum of $25 for fullbodies.★ I am a college student with an full time job in addition to taking commissions. It may take up to a month for small commissions or several months for me to complete a large commission on my normal timeframe. I will communicate with you if anything comes up and the work will take longer. I will provide updates when requested.★ I will respond to any messages sent to me by a commissioner within 48 hours of it being sent, unless otherwise stated.★ I will send a WIP at the sketch stage, lineart stage (if applicable), and color stage (before final editing) so that the commissioner may request edits to that stage only. (Ex: Colors can be changed at the color stage, but the pose may not be edited.) At the sketch stage, you may request two large changes only, then you will be charged for each additional change. Minor changes (such as changing a hand position, changing an expression, or editing a color) will not count towards that total.

Do's and Dont's

★ Humanoids, Furry/Anthro, Monsters, Armor, Simple Mechs
★Gore (Cutsey/Simplified/Mild) and Blood
★ Scenes and Multiple Characters/Character Interaction
★ Fandom OCs and Fanart
★ Character Designs/Ref Sheets
★ Outfit/Weapon Designs
★ Complex or Simple Characters
★ Nudity (Artistic)
★ Ask me about NSFW -- Examples must be requested by the commissioner. Any NSFW commission will be priced double the SFW rate.
★ Anything racist, homophobic, transphobic, or insensitive in general. I'll know it when I see it. You will be blacklisted and I will inform the rest of the community.
★ Realism
★ Drawing in Another Artist's Style (If you're commissioning me, you're commissioning me for my work, which includes my style.)
★ Real People (Exceptions include yourself, your family and friends with consent, and live-action characters.)
★ Pregnancy (This is an upsetting topic for me specifically, please respect that.)
★ Uncomfortable Kinks/Fetish Art (This is case by case, so please ask if you aren't sure.)
★ Anything else that makes me uncomfortable (I reserve the right to refuse any commission or commissioner.)